It guides progression throughout the game’s competitive mode, and learning how to get fast XP - whether it’s through choosing the best game mode for XP or learning how to use double XP - means you can unlock what you want sooner. XP point sources

Match XP (from kills and objectives Match bonus (doubled for winning) Challenge Bonus (completing challenges) Headquarters Challenges (such as Commend a Soldier, 750XP each) Contract rewards (varies from 750XP to 3000 XP depending on difficulty)

Booster sources

Order rewards (varies, usually offers 25% bonus for soldier or weapon for 20 minutes) Supply Drops (5 minutes for common drops, 10 minutes for rare drops, etc) Epic version of weapons (unlock all items within a collection, weapon comes with 10% Soldier XP perk) Pre-order bonus (double XP, see below)

Priortising Orders which give you XP boosts over other rewards and having your fingers crossed for Supply Drops will help.Long term, you’ll want to unlock the Epic version of your preferred weapon by unlocking all items within its Collection; some of these can come from Supply Drops, but you’ll otherwise have to save up Credits from the Mail box (or win them by gambling on Contracts). There’s a few plates to spin, but if you’re savvy about how you play, every little helps to boost you through the ranks. As for the best game mode for XP, broadly it should be the one you are best at. Are you most skilled at objective-based matches? Then focus on War or one of the more traditional modes such as Domination. If you’re a sharpshooter, then perhaps team deathmatch is up to you. If you’re after raw numbers, though, War is touted by users on the WW2 subreddit as a good source, something which aligns with our own experiences. It doesn’t count towards your kill death ratio so you can adopt whatever strategy works for your objective, but kills do count towards Orders, Contracts and Challenge progress, as well as higher than usual XP rewards for match completions. Out for more advice on COD WW2’s multiplayer? It’s worth checking out which Division suits you best, then how to unlock the best COD WW2 guns as well as its various Prestige rewards using fast XP methods. If you’re still having connectibity problems post-launch meanwhile, our Call of Duty WW2 server issues delves into error codes and other troubleshooting tips, and finally we can also help you tick off the Commend a soldier challenge in Headquarters, too. This will located in your Mail upon your first visit to Headquarters. As soon as you collect it, it’ll add the booster to your account. As with other boosters, it’ll only tick down during matches, but unlike other boosters, this one is capped at one hour per day - so you’ll need to play at least across four days to use it all up. Saves you blowing it all in a single evening. If you want to track how much time is left on this and other boosters, then press Pause or Options in Headquarters, go to the Soldier tab, and select the ‘Active Boosts’ option at the bottom. All boosts are all automatically added to your account when you pick them up. This includes Multiplayer Double XP, which only begins when you get it from your Mail box, so if you want to save it until you’ve become more used to the game, that’s an option. If you didn’t get your double XP booster, that is an issue currently under investigation. As of writing, missing boosters have been fixed for some consoles with a post-release patch, but it’s worth checking Actvision’s list of known issues to check its progress if not. Like server issues, these are hopefully launch problems that will be resolved sooner than later.

Call of Duty WW2 XP sources  how to use the double XP booster and the best game mode for fast XP - 23Call of Duty WW2 XP sources  how to use the double XP booster and the best game mode for fast XP - 84Call of Duty WW2 XP sources  how to use the double XP booster and the best game mode for fast XP - 66