During a Japanese livestream covering the mobile battle royale Final Fantasy 7: The First Soldier, Nomura mentioned that news would be coming next month as part of the Final Fantasy 7 25th anniversary. Presumably this could be news on part two of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, as well as other projects in the works. Resetera user Xenosaga noted Nomura’s comment, as have users on Twitter.

The news follows Final Fantasy 16 producer Naoki Yoshida promising a trailer for that game would be coming soon. Could we see news on both games next month as some sort of Final Fantasy livestream? Or will these PlayStation console exclusives be revealed by Sony in a State of Play? Back in January, Square Enix shared a message from the Final Fantasy 7 directors to begin celebrations of the game’s 25th anniversary. Yoshinori Kitase, Final Fantasy 7 director and Remake project producer, later added that news of part two would arrive this year. Final Fantasy 16 news, meanwhile, was planned for this spring. Yoshida has since stated he hopes the new game brings back lapsed players. Rest assured Eurogamer will be covering any and all news on both games once revealed.