That’s according to Striking Distance Studios CEO Glen Schofield, who teased yesterday that “now might be a good time to start” keeping an eye on updates from the studio. Up until now, the studio has been playing its cards very close to the chest indeed, but yesterday - fittingly Friday 13th - Schofield teased on his personal Twitter account that we should “look for some news next week”, before dropping the wondeerfully gross image of a close-up of one of The Callisto Protocol’s creatures below. “If you don’t already follow @CallistoTheGame now might be a good time to start,” Schofield said. “Look for some news next week. Until then, here’s a closeup of one of the creatures from our world class character team. They’re incredible. Happy Friday the 13th! Get ready!” As Schofield told us in an interview when the horror was revealed, the story’s set in a distant future on Callisto, Jupiter’s second-largest moon, and equal in size to a planet like Mercury - “It’s a good size moon!” Glen said - and is confirmed to be third person and single player. “Well, I’m not sure how much I can even say about it,” Schofield told us in the aftermath of its reveal over a year ago now. “But you know, there is a lore, and there is a big storyline that’s being written now. I’ve been wanting to do another sci-fi horror game. I mean, you know, I love doing sci fi and I love doing horror. I wanted to go back to exactly what I wanted to do. So I presented an idea to them - then we try and retrofit this storyline that they’ve been working on.” Schofield also recently shared some new concept art from The Callisto Protocol. The Striking Distance Studios’ CEO shared what appears to be concept art of an enemy set against a grimy, dilapidated sci-fi backdrop of smashed gangways and torn fences.