The studio confirmed that the teaser comes from an “in-game cinematic” taken from the fourth mainline installment of the franchise, Dreadwolf. “Elven god of lies or heroic rebel against tyranny?” BioWare teased on Instagram. “Depends who you ask. Happy #DragonAgeDay! We’re kicking today off with an in-game cinematic from #Dreadwolf!” As for what the new game will be about? “Solas, the Dread Wolf,” teases the title’s official blurb. “Some say he might be an ancient elven god, but some say not. Others say a betrayer of his people… or a saviour who now seeks to rescue them at the cost of your world. “His motives are inscrutable and his methods sometimes questionable, earning him a reputation as something of a trickster deity - a player of dark and dangerous games.” BioWare’s follow-up to Dragon Age Inquisition has been in some form of development since at least 2017, when an early draft of its story was being written. As Tom recently summarised for us, work on BioWare’s next big Dragon Age game is reportedly going well, and it should release in the next year or so. Early this year, reports appeared to rule out a 2022 release for the new Dragon Age, something which had originally been on the cards. That’s because there have been several setbacks and reboots as staff changed, and the vision for the project settled back into its single-player role-playing game roots following the failure of online multiplayer experiment Anthem.