Okay, so I’m not exactly new around these parts - my 11th anniversary is going to quickly roll around later this year, and I’m sure a fair few of us will have crossed paths in the past - but I’m still relatively new at all this editor lark. Seeing as this is the first time I’ve had the privilege of writing one of these letters, I thought I might as well try and sketch out what some of that might all mean. It might seem a silly place to be doing it, in one of these premium articles limited to our small band of supporters, but it makes some sort of sense to me. I’m not one for grand statements saying we’re going to change games journalism for the better, or laying out a plan to revolutionise the way we cover games - there’s enough fantastic games journalism out there to make any such statements silly, and this site alone’s got a rich enough history that tearing it up would be equally dumb. Much better, surely, to let our work on the homepage do the talking for us. Letting you all know a little more about what to expect around here makes sense to me too because - I hope it’s safe to assume - you’re all fans of the site, much like myself. It’s an honour to have you all willing to support what we do, and it means a lot to me and the team. The loyalty of our readers is one of our greatest assets - indeed, one of the stats I’m always proudest of at Eurogamer is how much traffic we get to our homepage, suggesting it remains a destination for those who love games. Or those who want somewhere to complain about them, even. It’s an asset I want to make the most of, which is why we’re looking to return to more regular features soon, giving you a reason to return and a reward for doing so. I miss the dependability of our old retros on Sunday mornings, and I want to commit to giving you something worthwhile to read with your morning weekend coffee. It’d be grand if we could give you something substantial to go alongside your weekday coffee, too. I want us to talk more about what we love, and lean into our expertise. So yes, I’m afraid that does mean more of me on racing games and arcade esoterica of the ’80s and ’90s - sorry - but the good news is that it also means more of Tom going deep into Assassin’s Creed, Aoife and Zoe exploring the parts of horror games I’d dare approach, Ian on the outer fringes of VR, Matt Reynolds diving deep into Pokémon, the DF team shining the light on the world of tech, Lottie telling us more wonderful tales from Runescape, Matt Wales on excellent evergreen titles like No Man’s Sky and Sea of Thieves, Ed on the fascinating world of streamers, Chris Tapsell diving into the nuts and bolts of a strategy game, Bertie illuminating the human side of games, and Donlan on just about everything. If we’re lucky, we might even get Wes to do a FIFA article or two. I want to talk more to you, and bring you a bit closer to everything we do. The Eurogamer Supporter program is still in its infancy, and there’s work still to be done. In the next couple of months we’ll be lightly tweaking the offering and looking at ways to improve it. There’s plenty to look forward to and we’ll be able to share more soon, but for now thanks for standing by us. It is hugely appreciated. All of which is a fairly long-winded way to say you can expect more of the same from Eurogamer - and hopefully more of the same kind of stuff that made you sign up to support the site. I count myself as one of Eurogamer’s biggest fans, and my enthusiasm for the insightful, surprising, sometimes silly stuff it does hasn’t waned in the slightest over the years. It’s an honour to take on that legacy and see that we stay true to it all, while seeing where we might take it next. Hey, it might even be a bit of fun.

Letter from the editor  Hi  I m new at this - 62Letter from the editor  Hi  I m new at this - 11Letter from the editor  Hi  I m new at this - 36