Gunsmith was first introduced in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) as a replacement of the attachment system used in preceding titles, and it’s been used in every game since. The system allows players to customise their weapons in greater detail, with multiple attachments, optics and of course, skins. Gunsmith 2.0 refines this system, with a brand-new interface, and a new weapon system to customise: receivers. Receivers are a platform or family of weapons which share attachments. Once a player unlocks a receiver for a weapon, a new weapon unlocks that shares the same receiver and weapons. In effect, this means weapon attachments are shared across a family of weapons, meaning players only have to unlock them once. Infinity Ward states that receivers will be the core element to Gunsmith 2.0, and claim it reflects how weapons are built in real life. This should in theory allow for a wider variety of customisation, both visually and in the way a weapon feels. Activision will host a livestream this evening where it will lay out plans for the future of the Call of Duty franchise, including Warzone 2.0 and Mobile. The publisher has also revealed a code of conduct for the series, in a bid to combat “toxicity and unfair play.”