In Hades, Poms of Power are used to level up your boons - hence the reason for choosing the fruit - and yesterday streamer Dylan “Rudeism” Beck uploaded a video showing himself beating the game’s final boss using a pomegranate controller. He created it by “chopping [the] pomegranate up and sticking a bunch of wires in it,” using 10 pieces of pomegranate flesh and hooking them up to specific inputs using a MakeyMakey circuit board. The setup allowed Rudeism to tap the pieces to move or attack, but left him without a way to aim. “You don’t need to aim, that’s fine,” he said. Things didn’t always go smoothly: the wires would sometimes come loose from the pomegranate, while the pomegranate juice and seeds created a mess, but Rudeism still managed to beat Hades using the pom. Here’s the video of that below - watch out for spoilers if you haven’t yet completed the game.
This isn’t Rudeism’s first wacky controller stunt - he’s also achieved level 100 in World of Warcraft using dance pads, and played PUBG with a frying pan controller - but this might be the messiest of his experiments so far. I hope his white keyboard managed to stay out of the splash zone.