Over 120 days, the streamer completed the greatest hits of From Software without taking a single hit: Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls 1, 2, and 3, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring. If even one hit was taken, the run of all games would have to start again from scratch. Watch on YouTube Elden Ring – Rise, Tarnished | Official Launch Trailer The streamer, known as Nico, shared the news on Twitter along with a clip of him in tears being consoled by his wife. It’s all rather wholesome, though I think anyone would be exhausted after all that concentration.

It’s certainly an impressive feat, when completing any one of these games is in itself a huge challenge, let alone all seven without a single hit. Nico is actually the second streamer to achieve this, following Spanish streamer BushidoYu back in September, although that run was done with breaks whereas Nico marathoned through the games. Nico released a video following BushidoYu’s run, you can watch below. The God Run 3 of course follows two others: the first was the Soulsborne games, the second added Sekiro, and this third adds Elden Ring. FromSoftware’s latest has now surpassed 17.5m copies, which is certainly a feat in itself. Spanish Legend Beats The GOD RUN 3! LIVE REACTION!