There was just one catch: Aoife would need to build hers herself. On camera. Behold the results in the video below. Be aware that this video features some extremely festive rainbow-coloured LEDs. This would be Aoife’s first PC build, but she’s ably assisted in the video by her other half Seb. (Hi Seb.) Spoilers: it goes OK! We showed the video to Digital Foundry’s Rich Leadbetter with some trepidation, but he gave it the thumbs up. As Aoife wrote on Slack: “I’m coming for your job Rich.” You can find the full spec in the video description on YouTube but the highlights are: Intel Core i9-11900K, RTX 3070, 32GB of DDR4, 2.5TB of NVMe storage, a lot of fans, and a lot of LEDs. It is quite the thing.